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Bike Service Massa Marittima

We are thrilled to share with you our new partnership with Leatt, distributed in Italy by Athena sporTech.
Leatt is a brand that originated in South Africa, from the mind of Doctor Chris Leatt, inventor of the very famous neck brace in 2001.
From that moment on, Leatt remains an innovative and avant-garde brand, a point of reference, with products for motorcycles and MTBs, with top quality materials and graphics.

Classe 1987, co-fondatore di Bike Service Massa Marittima, da sempre con la passione per le due ruote, iniziando a costruire salti e strutture in tenera età, per poi alternare un po' tutti i tipi di bici (e moto!) possibili. Ad oggi continua a pedalare, sempre con un gran stile, e a dare consigli su come girare meglio in bici!

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Vicolo Butigni 6, 58024 Massa Marittima (GR)
Francesco +39 393 753 1446 | Andrea +39 349 710 5524

3 p.m - 7:30 p.m.
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